Tag: tips

Do’s and Don’ts: Using Finished Compost on your Houseplants 

Do’s and Don’ts: Using Finished Compost on your Houseplants 

By: Sara Mack, Marketing Manager As we wrap up our Fall Compost Back program, we know that heading into September many of our subscribers may be spending less time preparing your vegetable garden than you do during our Spring rotation. Even without a garden, though, there are still plenty of ways to get the most out of your finished compost…

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Summer Time, and the Composting’s Easy…

Summer Time, and the Composting’s Easy…

By: Sara Mack, Marketing Manager As we approach the solstice, our team at Compost Crew is so excited for summer to officially begin. This being said, composting in the warmer months can be associated with some unique challenges. Even though composting doesn’t lead to more pests or smells than “traditional” waste management strategies, it’s not necessarily butterflies and rainbows all…

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